Only in my recipe collection would I go from cooking moms Sloppy Joes to blini pancakes with homemade crème fraîche. We love to see a walking contraction. I like to think that the polar opposites keep me balanced in life. These little appetizers look so fancy and aesthetic but in reality are so quick and easy (note: homemade crème fraîche takes 48 hours to makes so prepare ahead of time). It’s a little bit of eastern Europe and a modest dash of France to showcase one of my favorite new ingredients… seaweed caviar.

What is a Blini?
Blini’s are silver dollar sized pancakes popular in Russian and other Eastern European destinations. Often times containing ingredients like buckwheat flour and yeast making them lighter and airier. They have a similar reputation to the French crepe. The little pancakes often showcase ingredients like caviar or smoked salmon.
What is Crème Fraîche?
Crème fraîche quite literally translates to “fresh cream” in French. It is similar to sour cream, but more smooth and thick. Not to mention it does not carry that tangy sour of a traditional sour cream. Crème fraîche is made using buttermilk and cream. It goes well with sweet and savory, so easily pair with fresh fruit or salty caviar and pancakes. To make plant-based buttermilk you’re just going to add a little acid to your choice of plant milk. Lemon juice or apple cider vinegar are my choices.
Plant-Based Heavy Whipping Cream: Find this ingredient at Trader Joe’s
Plant-Based Milk: My choice of plant milk when going for a buttermilk copy cop is oat milk. It is creamier and just slightly sweeter.
Lemon: Adding a touch of acid to plant-milk gives it that buttermilk taste.

Seaweed Caviar
It’s no shock that I like some of the finer things in life, especially when it comes to food. When I changed to a vegan lifestyle I was worried I’d be missing out on some of my favorite dining experiences. Products like Paramount Caviars Seaweed Caviar are what it’s all about for me. I never want to compromise my favorite dishes from around world, and I’m so grateful to have products like this. I found Paramount Caviar through their IG check them out! And yes they ship (and make amazing gifts *hint hint*). This product is remarkably similar to caviar.