Occasionally I pop out of bed at 7am with an insane desire to cook a certain dish. I have an agreement with Dream Courtney… if she wants to cook a vegan risotto at 7am… then who am I to stop her? Besides, I am forever a believer in doing the things that make you happy. Even if they means I am uncorking a bottle of white wine while the sun rises for the maitake mushrooms.

The “Dancing” Mushroom
Speaking of maitake mushrooms. If you have never heard of these gems, have no shame. I urge you to add these to your mental list of new ingredients. I recently read that when this mushroom was discovered- people were immediately breaking out in dances of happiness. Hence, they named it Maitake which translates to ‘dancing mushroom’ in Japanese. Obviously I relate to this… because if you are not breaking out in a dance number at least once a day then what are you even doing here? If you cannot find them at your local farmers market, I can almost guarantee that Whole Foods will have them. It’s about $4.99 for 5 ounces and totally worth it.
Some other dishes you can use maitake mushrooms in…
- Creamy Pasta
- Fried Rice
- Sautéd on their own (highly recommend)
- Flatbread
- Gravy

Tips for Risotto
I tend to keep my tips for intimidating dishes short and sweet. Risotto gets a bad reputation for being easy to ruin, however, in the words of Dwight Schrute… “Keep it simple, Stupid.” Remember a few key things and the risotto is going to turn out beautifully.
- Rince arborio rice before cooking (the starch is NOT our friend).
- Do not overcook! When the buzzer hits 16 minutes, you’re done.
- Do not put risotto back on the heat to melt in cream and cheese. It will melt. Don’t worry.
- Add small bits of vegetable broth the whole time the risotto is simmering. I usually like to see at least 1-2 tablespoons in the pan at all times, never reduce all the broth.
- Remember that quantities in recipes are merely suggestions. You may need more wine or more broth. Go for it.

“You learn a lot about someone when you share a meal together.”
Anthony Bourdain