Vietnam is my own definition of asian wonderland. Imagine being thrown onto the side of a bustling street while motorbikes spend their entire existence avoiding crashing into one another. Every alleyway (you know how I feel about alleys) stocked with cute old ladies throwing anise star and fresh cilantro into the air as they whip up their latest concoction.

Traditional Pho Cuon
First I think we need to define a Pho Cuon. This is rice noodle roll packed with the same flavors and ingredients from a traditional Vietnamese pho soup. It is rolled similarly to a spring or egg roll and served traditionally in and around the city of Hanoi. I spent several months working with the bears over in that region of Vietnam and quickly fell in love with the cuisine. That the whole point of traveling right? Snacks.

The traditional way to cook Pho Cuon is to roll all the ingredients up in a sheet of rice noodle. For this recipe I have stuffed the Pho Cuon with rice noodles and rolled them in spring roll wrappers. I think just think this recipe will be more doable for people that way… plus I can’t find sheets of rice noodles to save my life.