beet recipes

  • Roasted Golden Beet Salad

    March 15, 2023Faraway Courtney

    One of my favorite hobbies is grabbing ingredients I don’t usually cook with and making them the star of the dish. That’s right, golden beets, it’s your moment to shine. In the words of Harry Styles… you’re so goldennnnn. If you have never been a fan of red beets, then I urge you to dive into wonderful world of golden beets. They have a noticeably less earthy taste and are sweeter than a red beet. Roasting Golden Beets There is something wholesome about a roasted root vegetable with some simple seasoning that makes you feel connected to the earth. For…

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  • Vegan French Beet Tartare

    July 19, 2022Faraway Courtney

    Tartare takes me back to France, and lets be honest… I’m always trying to go back to France. Anyone that tells you France is overrated has a cynical view on the world- a superiority complex that you should run fast and far from. I can’t get enough of the broken down alleyways (yes, I’m talking about alleys again) contrasted with posh arched doorways hanging open. France is one of those places that I don’t have to do anything in, I just need to be there. It’s like a drug, simply being in its presence gives me enough life to keep…

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