corn recipes

  • Vegan Indian Corn Curry

    March 29, 2022Faraway Courtney

    In my humble opinion, corn is the superior vegetable. Like any typical midwesterner, I grew up next to a corn field and my grandpa was a corn farmer… who’s shocked? What can I say, a corn dish just feels like home. When I first started a plant-based lifestyle, one of my very first dishes I made was corn curry. That first bite of sweet and spicy curry made me stop dead in my tracks and think… I could do this for the rest of my life. That’s what daunting though, right? The idea that something is forever, and what if…

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  • Vegan Mexican Street Corn

    June 14, 2021Faraway Courtney

    I can’t unknow the magic that is road tripping through Mexico. Truthfully, I have a difficult time sitting still in any one place, so road trips are my love language. I met up with some local friends and we took the pickup truck down the coast of Mexico, stopping at every road side stand in sight, meeting as many people as I could. I fondly recall making friends with an absurd amount of los gatos on this trip, another reason why I always carry animal treats in my purse. Food=love. There is something utterly romantic and captivating about traveling in…

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