far away kitchen

  • Vegan Polish Pierogi

    July 18, 2021Faraway Courtney

    Theres no doubt that as children we are pushed and encouraged to chase our creative dreams. When did that desire stop? For some of us, I’m sure it simply never did. That innate calling to live a life daring to be transparent is often simply ignored. Books are left unwritten, movies are left without endings, and dreams are simply a place you go in the middle of the night when nobody is watching. Maybe I’m naive. Maybe there are people who don’t have those pacing feelings… to get the words out in the middle of the night or embark on…

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  • Vegan Hawaiian Poke Bowl

    March 28, 2021Faraway Courtney

    Hawaii is one of those places I only dare to dream about. It’s its own little magical world of Under the Sea melodies and creatures dancing in the sand. Don’t say you’ve never imagined yourself in a little mermaid musical in the coves of a Hawaiian retreat… just me? Hawaii has the energy about it that feels feel full circle in its love and respect for the island. I imagine giving it all away to build a Hawaiian hut, just steps from the ocean. I would spend my days sailing around the island (this is my daydream… don’t ask me…

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