Fried Oyster Mushrooms: A Southern Comfort Twist Fried oyster mushrooms are a rare ingredient that can transport me anywhere in the world. They’re so simple, yet so full of possibilities. One minute, I’m imagining them in a New Orleans-style Po’ Boy, the next, I’m envisioning them alongside Southern-style chicken and waffles. That’s the beauty of these mushrooms—they’re not bound by just one identity. Who wants to be confined, anyway? I have always been fascinated about mealtime. Perhaps it’s the forever explorer in me. Once a day you can put something on a plate that allows you to think about somewhere…
faraway kitchen
Tartare takes me back to France, and lets be honest… I’m always trying to go back to France. Anyone that tells you France is overrated has a cynical view on the world- a superiority complex that you should run fast and far from. I can’t get enough of the broken down alleyways (yes, I’m talking about alleys again) contrasted with posh arched doorways hanging open. France is one of those places that I don’t have to do anything in, I just need to be there. It’s like a drug, simply being in its presence gives me enough life to keep…
Peruvian cuisine is quite possibly my favorite part of South America to fall into. There is a clear European influence along with Incan indigenous roots. For that reason, it collides two of my favorite worlds together. The posh and polished land of European plating, balanced by the rural and rustic bones of indigenous recipes. I have this constant polar pull in my life, where I’m attracted the the fancy chic parts of life, but then there’s this other side of me that needs to be lost on a dirt road driving a motorbike looking for $2 street dishes. There’s a…
Every so often you get a dish that picks you up and takes you away from where you are. For me, it probably happens more often than it should. One minute I’m casually watching what kind of nonsense Jerry and George are getting into on the tv, and suddenly I’m transported seaside to a nordic fishing village overwhelmed by the sound of delicate waves. That is the magic of eating a spread of carrot lox over a fatty open-faced danish sandwich sprinkled in fresh dill. It’s not just eating a sandwich, it’s getting lost on a rickety pier starring out…
Vegan Spicy Tuna, youuuu say? I do indeed say so. I have a complete adoration for Japanese culture and sushi life. When I decided to life a vegan lifestyle a few years ago, I panicked at the thought of never tasting a spicy tuna again. That all changed as I’m now a frequent regular at the local vegan sushi restaurant (I love this city). The first time I brought my best friend there and fed him a tomato spicy tuna roll- I watched the look on his face shift to complete mystification and glee. That is when I knew I…
Maybe food means something different for everyone. For some of us, it’s simply the means to survive and for others the pleasure to life. It’s this beautiful method of communication, to express to people what they mean to me. There’s love in the act of creating something beautiful for someone. Each little dip of chocolate feels like a poem you spend all night pacing the floors about. Honestly… nothing says love like a dang Churro Cheesecake. Serve it Steamy Hot I am over the top excited to share this Mexican Churro Cheesecake recipe with you. One thing I’ve observed about…
North America is filled with so many amazing sandwiches. Choosing to eliminate or reduce animal products does not mean that you need to miss out on these amazing dishes. I’m a believer that we are consuming the story when we eat things like a Philly Cheesesteak. It’s about waiting in a line wrapped around the building to try one of Jims famous Cheesesteaks while everyone in line debates who has the best in the city. It’s about Jim serving you out of a tiny street side window, the messiest hoagie bun sandwich while you eat it on the street stoop…
There’s something about good food that takes me to another place. Anything that has the ability to transport you out of your body to some special place, hold onto that. That’s the magic. If you’ve never had a kimchi pancake, you’re in for a treat. There are so many directions you can go with these babies, but I chose a fluffy slightly sweet pancake stuffed with kimchi and fresh green onions. Store Bought Kimchi vs. Homemade Kimchi For this recipe, I use a store bought vegan kimchi. A traditional kimchi is going to include fish sauce, luckily it’s 2022 and…
There is a very good chance I danced around my kitchen to Buddy Jewell’s “Sweet Southern Comfort” after tasting these. I’m continuously mystified by foods ability to take me anywhere. And lord, have I been missing the Southern United States for awhile now. There’s nothing quite like sitting at a Georgia brunch on a Sunday morning eating a plate of steaming biscuits and gravy. Once upon a time, I was living on the Florida Georgia state line. I spent my days treating and rehabbing injured Florida Panthers (that’s a story for another time), and my nights diving into deep South…
In my humble opinion, corn is the superior vegetable. Like any typical midwesterner, I grew up next to a corn field and my grandpa was a corn farmer… who’s shocked? What can I say, a corn dish just feels like home. When I first started a plant-based lifestyle, one of my very first dishes I made was corn curry. That first bite of sweet and spicy curry made me stop dead in my tracks and think… I could do this for the rest of my life. That’s what daunting though, right? The idea that something is forever, and what if…
Oh, Budapest, you whimsical, eerie wonderland. Arriving in Budapest is like stumbling through a rabbit hole and stepping out into a confusing alternate dimension. An electric trance of haunted bliss- if you will. Days in Budapest are meant to dive into the other worldly things. It would be a sin not to spend the day floating through ancient bath houses in hot springs and thermal steam. Granted, you may be floating next to rather large Greek men in a speedos… but that’s just the weirdness that is Budapest. The Perfect Hungarian Meal While in Hungary, head down your nearest…
Perhaps one of the simplest pleasures in life, is gathering your ingredients at the farmers market. I’m convinced it is a universal joy denominator around the world. Who wouldn’t prefer to gather local ingredients over imported fruits and vegetables from who knows where? What an amazing way to feel like a local when visiting a faraway land. Next time you decide to venture off to an unknown land, I urge you to head to the local farmers market. Maybe you’ll end up in a serene Italian village picking out fresh tomatoes with all the cute grandmas preparing for dinner. If…
Once upon a trip, my brother and I packed our things to hit the European road. We ditched our jeans (maybe not Rob) and cars for the whimsy allure of a European wonderland. Rob, who has never not had plan a day in his life, threw his hands in the air and let me take the wheel. Luckily, I had been mapping this continent since middle school. I had journals full of hand written dotted lines connecting cities and prices of train tickets vs bus tickets scribbled in the margins. My way of thinking was different back then. Thinking about…
I have an utter fascination with Colombia, pure captivation by a place I have never met. Somewhere there is a future version of myself sitting on the side of a dirt road, enjoying a hearty bowl of Ajiaco and black coffee. Most likely there will be a stray dog sleeping at my feet, while I swoon over ajiaco soup and stare off into a coffee plantation. Here’s the thing, Colombia is not just one thing. It’s a multifaceted country where one minute you can be lost in The Amazon rainforest and the next you can be climbing a mountain top.…
Vietnam is perhaps my greatest love affair of them all. I spent several months working at a nonprofit just outside of Hanoi. So for a brief moment in time, Hanoi felt like a place I would call home. I fell in love in between almost being ran over by motorbikes in the middle Old Quarters. Skipping the streets on a Sunday morning with an iced Vietnamese coffee (recipe to come) was my literal love language. Every street was not so neatly organized by what it was selling. You had silk street down one row and medical street down another. Maybe…
If you go to Asia for one reason, let it be the street food. As vast and different all of Asia is, it shares the common denominator of other worldly street food. Anywhere you go, wandering the night market and indulging in local treats is a shared way of life. I highly suggest you don’t go looking for a full meal anywhere, but rather a bite here, a taste there. If you’re anything like me, your eyes will be bigger than your stomach. What a shame it would be if you filled up on a plate of dumplings before you…
Echoes of “Ciao, Bella” ring in the back of my mind, while I reminisce on memories of taking the European railway around Italy. I spent weeks bouncing from the Italian Rivera villages to the canals of Venice over the ancient ruins of Roma. Walking into a restaurant in Italy, was like walking into your sweet old grandpas house. I vividly recall walking along the Mediterranean, salivating at the smell of fresh pasta and white wine in the air. The owner of the seaside Italian restaurant ushering us in, and delicately placing each dish down like a newborn baby. Italy felt…
My love of all things raw fish is undeniable. However, I am a believer that you can love something and it still not be worth it. As much as I love the taste of seafood, the problems its consumption in the world perpetuates- just isn’t for me. Effects from the global fishing industry are killing our oceans and our wildlife. My quest to find alternatives to satisfy your love of costal dishes is in full effect. I sincerely hope that you find yourself lost in a Peruvian cantina while you enjoy this ceviche. Heart of Palm The raw fish in…
All things crab take me back to a late summer boardwalk on the Maryland coast. Once upon a time I had a mini love affair with Maryland. I had just quit my job and bought a one-way ticket to Europe, soon to be embarking on what would become a 15 country hiatus. There was just one problem, my then boyfriend wanted to go “find himself” in Baltimore and climb the corporate ladder as they say. I internally folded at the idea of myself committing to Maryland, but I went anyways. My mind was already mapping out all of Europe in…
Who doesn’t love a good east coast crab cake while they daydream of salt water and boardwalks? I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. Eating vegan does not mean that we have to give up our favorite dishes from around the world. We simply see the change we want to make and pivot with it. There is this fear, especially when you travel, that you aren’t going to have the full experience of a place if you aren’t consuming exactly how the locals are. I believe that there are so many factors that go into giving you that…