heart of palm recipes

  • Vegan Peruvian Ceviche

    April 24, 2021Faraway Courtney

    My love of all things raw fish is undeniable. However, I am a believer that you can love something and it still not be worth it. As much as I love the taste of seafood, the problems its consumption in the world perpetuates- just isn’t for me. Effects from the global fishing industry are killing our oceans and our wildlife. My quest to find alternatives to satisfy your love of costal dishes is in full effect. I sincerely hope that you find yourself lost in a Peruvian cantina while you enjoy this ceviche. Heart of Palm The raw fish in…

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  • Vegan Maryland Crab Cakes

    March 23, 2021Faraway Courtney

    Who doesn’t love a good east coast crab cake while they daydream of salt water and boardwalks? I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. Eating vegan does not mean that we have to give up our favorite dishes from around the world. We simply see the change we want to make and pivot with it. There is this fear, especially when you travel, that you aren’t going to have the full experience of a place if you aren’t consuming exactly how the locals are. I believe that there are so many factors that go into giving you that…

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