vegan asian recipes

  • Plant-Based Indian Butter Chickpeas

    April 4, 2024Faraway Courtney

    This recipe has been one of my most highly requested recipes in recent months. I guarantee this one-pot Indian Butter Chickpea recipe will have you sold on garbanzo beans in 30 minutes. It has been one of my go to favorite for a nutritious plant-based meal prep ready in 30 minutes and only 377 calories (and that includes with a serving of basmati rice!) Plant-Based Indian My favorite way to cook is by spinning the globe and seeing where I end up. It’s that wanderlust engrained on my heart that can take me anywhere around the world from my tiny…

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  • Korean Gochujang Noodles

    February 14, 2024Faraway Courtney

    My love language every single time is sitting in an alleyway with a cheap bowl of spicy noodles. It takes me back in time, to the months spent backpacking through Asia. For a moment, those countries felt like home. With a motorbike to call my own and alleyways begging me to get lost in their winding labyrinth. The biggest problem I had was deciding which local vendor to buy from. And guess what? I never missed. Because you are simply never going to miss ever while sitting on a stoop and slurping down a bowl of noodles topped in a…

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  • Plant-Based Roma Sashimi

    January 5, 2024Faraway Courtney

    I am a firm believer that you are what you eat. You put trash in your body and you will feel like trash. That’s why whatever it is that I’m cooking, from a messy Sloppy Joe to an elegant blini caviar… I remember that how I treat my food is how I treat myself. Taking the time to present and gather proper ingredients is an act of self love that we all deserve. So in 2024, lets slow down and make our food beautiful. Plant-Based Roma Tomato Sashimi I have tested and consumed countless methods of plant-based sushi in my…

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  • Vietnamese Lions Mane Banh Mi Sandwich

    January 2, 2024Faraway Courtney

    Every so often I get a dish that takes me far away. The feeling becomes real, that I am right back wandering around the streets of Hanoi in search of a vegan banh mi. Vietnam is where I was taught how to stop eating animals. By wandering through the Asian alleyways, while almost being run over by motorbikes carrying entire families. Endlessly popping into random restaurants while hopefully inquiring “chay?!” (or vegetarian). Vietnam is where everything started changing for me, the beginning of my soul waking up and being really ready to live. Traditional Banh Mi Sandwich When I imagine…

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  • Taiwanese Green Onion Pancakes

    September 22, 2023Faraway Courtney

    I wouldn’t ever categorize myself as a cook. The first 3 times I made these somewhat simple and traditional pancakes, they came out sub-par. I paced the floors looking at the beautiful photos, ready to trash the entire post- and honestly the website. Leave the cooking to the professionals my brain rationed. I have never really been good at anything, it’s my passion that saves me. The persisting nature to try try try. Once the overbearing sense of self-doubt cowers away, my delusional sense of optimism is sure to return (it always does). So I decide to keep cooking, keep…

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  • Japanese Maitake Mushrooms

    August 11, 2023Faraway Courtney

    Japanese cuisine could never be just one thing. It’s a mixture of sitting in an alleyway eating street pancakes at 2am. It’s drowning yourself in the bizarre dessert of kakigori shaved ice. And it’s enjoying the posh and decadent ingredients like a maitake mushroom. Maybe that’s why I have been completely captivated by Japanese food for as long as I can remember. She’s different each and everyday… you never know what you’re going to get. The “Dancing” Mushroom Maitake mushrooms mean “dancing” mushroom in Japanese. How fitting, considering you are what you eat and as a self declared dancing queen……

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  • Vegan Baked Sushi Cups

    May 9, 2023Faraway Courtney

    I finally recreated the TikTok viral Baked Salmon Sushi Cups- AS VEGAN. When I chose to go vegan, I opened up the creative portal in myself. I decided there was nothing I could not make vegan. These baked sushi cups made me dance around the kitchen in triumph. I am a self proclaimed sushi lover girl, so when a dish like this comes together… you better believe I am sharing it with everyone! If you like this recipe then check out my Vegan Spicy Tuna Bowl! Vegan Sushi Using Tomato Let us end the anticipation. I know the first thing…

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  • 10 Dishes That Will Have You Dreaming of Asia

    April 16, 2023Faraway Courtney

    It is no secret by now that I am absolutely obsessed with all things Asia. It’s the dark allure of smoking alleyways and street side food cart grills. It’s the heaping bowls of noodles for 100 baht or 3 American dollars. It’s the motorbikes wizzing by while you’re skipping around in your summer dress that nearly knock you off your feet. Yes, Asia and I have had quite the love story. So I lunge at any chance I get to turn my Faraway Kitchen into a portal to take me to the motherland. Asia is where you go when you…

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  • Japanese Miso Sweet Potato

    March 29, 2023Faraway Courtney

    Most of my friends will tell you that when they come to visit Chicago, I pack our days with self-guided food tours around my self-proclaimed sitcom city. There is nothing quite like having my omnivorous friends get seated at a poshy plant-based restaurant and watching their eyes light up as they discover the wonderful world of vegan food. “I can’t believe this is all vegan,” is the matter-of-fact statement most of them mumble between bites. Ah, yes, being served vegan donuts out an alley window is my love language. Recently a restaurant called Planta Queen has made its way to…

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  • Vegan Japanese Okonomiyaki

    March 5, 2023Faraway Courtney

    Perhaps one of my deepest rabbit holes online is Japan. The obsession to fall into this playground of an adult jungle gym is all too familiar. Japan is another dimension, I am convinced. Nothing about Japan makes sense, and that must be why I am innately drawn to its confusing wonder and glimmer. It’s the aroma of cherry blossoms singing from the tops of tea tree houses, mixed with the flashing neon lights over the smoking street market. What is Okonomiyaki? Okonomiyaki is a savory Japanese street pancake. The beautiful part of a okonomiyaki is that no two need to…

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