vegan european recipes

  • Vegan Russian Stroganoff

    September 12, 2021Faraway Courtney

    Eastern Europe is one of my favorite nooks of the world. Growing up I was always requesting this dish over and over again, but of course now I have completely veganized it! This meal takes all of 25 minutes and I swear if you close your eyes, you are going to be transported cute cafe on the Baltic Sea. History of Stroganoff Would you believe that the famous Russian dish is actually French fusion? In the 1800s, the Russian aristocrat Count Pavel Alexandrovich Stroganov brought a French chef back to Russia. He then created this now famous dish specifically because of…

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  • Vegan Spanish Paella

    July 11, 2021Faraway Courtney

    Once upon a trip, my brother and I packed our things to hit the European road. We ditched our jeans (maybe not Rob) and cars for the whimsy allure of a European wonderland. Rob, who has never not had plan a day in his life, threw his hands in the air and let me take the wheel. Luckily, I had been mapping this continent since middle school. I had journals full of hand written dotted lines connecting cities and prices of train tickets vs bus tickets scribbled in the margins. My way of thinking was different back then. Thinking about…

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