vegan japanese

  • Japanese Miso Sweet Potato

    March 29, 2023Faraway Courtney

    Most of my friends will tell you that when they come to visit Chicago, I pack our days with self-guided food tours around my self-proclaimed sitcom city. There is nothing quite like having my omnivorous friends get seated at a poshy plant-based restaurant and watching their eyes light up as they discover the wonderful world of vegan food. “I can’t believe this is all vegan,” is the matter-of-fact statement most of them mumble between bites. Ah, yes, being served vegan donuts out an alley window is my love language. Recently a restaurant called Planta Queen has made its way to…

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  • Vegan Spicy Tuna Bowl

    May 17, 2022Faraway Courtney

    Vegan Spicy Tuna, youuuu say? I do indeed say so. I have a complete adoration for Japanese culture and sushi life. When I decided to life a vegan lifestyle a few years ago, I panicked at the thought of never tasting a spicy tuna again. That all changed as I’m now a frequent regular at the local vegan sushi restaurant (I love this city). The first time I brought my best friend there and fed him a tomato spicy tuna roll- I watched the look on his face shift to complete mystification and glee. That is when I knew I…

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